Lincoln Christian Church Grounds and Landscaping Ministry
Dear Fellow Landscape Team Member,
Thank you for volunteering to help keep our church facility pleasing to the eye and welcoming to our members and visitors.
Our mission for the landscaping team is to keep the facility leaf and weed free and to plant flowers and shrubs that are hardy and easily maintained. Also, once per summer season we will put down additional mulch to cover any bare spots that have appeared.
You can rake leaves and pull weeds by hand or by weed killer. If there is a bush that needs minor trimming, feel free to do so, but we often hire the major trimming done by a landscape company.
Once again, we have divided the church into sections. Attached you will find the section map and work schedule.
Grounds Map
Grounds Assignments
If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to email call or email.
Brandon Boyd
Dear Fellow Landscape Team Member,
Thank you for volunteering to help keep our church facility pleasing to the eye and welcoming to our members and visitors.
Our mission for the landscaping team is to keep the facility leaf and weed free and to plant flowers and shrubs that are hardy and easily maintained. Also, once per summer season we will put down additional mulch to cover any bare spots that have appeared.
You can rake leaves and pull weeds by hand or by weed killer. If there is a bush that needs minor trimming, feel free to do so, but we often hire the major trimming done by a landscape company.
Once again, we have divided the church into sections. Attached you will find the section map and work schedule.
Grounds Map
Grounds Assignments
If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to email call or email.
Brandon Boyd